Monday, 30 June 2014

Weekly Challenge #174: Superimposing Strings

Today's challenge was to superimpose strings. I decided to use strings with straight lines and used number 8 and number 5 from the tangle patterns website. I also decided to challenge myself to use only tangles that I had never used before as I decided it was time I tried a few new oneself extend my repertoire so I used Knyt, leaflet, land girlz, lotus pods, oke, hypnotic, pippin and paushalov.

I also decided to use colour this week and the leafy patterns of leaflet and oke inspired me to use a limited colour scheme of greens and browns.


  1. Very nicely done... love the oak leaf tangle... very nice... Love, Light and Peace..Bonnie

  2. Beautiful - love this! Nice coloring.

  3. A lot of challenges in one piece. Well done !
    I like the colors, the tangle combinations, and the organic peace your work looks.

  4. That thud was my jaw hitting my desk - lovely!

  5. Very feminine and soft. Wonderful selection of tangle patterns.

  6. Lovely piece and I really like the limited palette.

  7. Nice, organic and lovely color.

  8. Very nicely done. I have never tried any of those patterns either. There are sooo many great ones out there that it becomes difficult to choose. You picked some great ones to use in this challenge. I like the color you added too. Very gentle.

  9. Your piece reminds me of needlework. Very well done, and I love the soft colors.

  10. So many patterns to learn, and you learned them well. I have tried the Knyt pattern and it was tricky. I like your limited color pallet. Beautiful Tile.

  11. I love your choices of tangles and color range. Really lovely.

  12. Beautiful piece of art! Great use of tangles and wonderful colours!

  13. You handled the Diva's challenge and your own personal challenges well. Would not have guessed that you had not used these before. I am not sure which it is, but really like the tangle on the left with the black center.
