Monday, 30 June 2014

Weekly Challenge #174: Superimposing Strings

Today's challenge was to superimpose strings. I decided to use strings with straight lines and used number 8 and number 5 from the tangle patterns website. I also decided to challenge myself to use only tangles that I had never used before as I decided it was time I tried a few new oneself extend my repertoire so I used Knyt, leaflet, land girlz, lotus pods, oke, hypnotic, pippin and paushalov.

I also decided to use colour this week and the leafy patterns of leaflet and oke inspired me to use a limited colour scheme of greens and browns.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Weekly Challenge #173: Redux, Remix, Revisit Your Comfort Tangle

In this weeks challenge we were asked to rework an old favourite tangle. My all time favourite is mooka but as I'd used this tangle in last weeks challenge I decided to go for one I hadn't used for ages, Pystyl. When I first discovered this tangle I used it a lot but haven't revisited it for quite some time.

When I usually tangle I stick to my old faithful isograph pens as I like the fine, precise nature of them. I decided to use a coule of different pens today, a silver marker and a brush tipped felt pen along with my isograph pens. Because of the nature of the pens I did the Pystyl tangle in different sizes.

After posting my tile yesterday I got a comment from Bonnie about shaking it up using colour so I took up the challenge and got out my coloured pencils. Here you are, a coloured Pystyl. I really enjoyed doing this one, more so than the one I did yesterday. 

Monday, 16 June 2014

Weekly Challenge #172: Duotangle - Auraknot vs Mooka

I'm back! A lot has happened since my last post which was back in August, the main thing is that I am 24 weeks pregnant with our third child. We don't know what we are having so will find out when he or she arrives some time around the beginning of October. Juggling being pregnant with two lively boys aged 2 and 4, a husband on deployment since February and work hasn't left me with much me time.  I've decided it is time I got my pens back out and have a go at the tangle challenge again and make a bit of down time for myself.

Here is my attempt at this weeks challenge. Mooka is probably my favourite tangle and Auraknot is one I've never quite got to grips with so this was an interesting challenge for me. I used my isograph pens (having covered myself in ink to clean them out and get them working again!) and the sage and ivy graphitint pencils.

I've just added this one, a mono tangle using just mooka.